Bend, Oregon
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
The NSDAR is a women’s service organization. Since their founding in 1890, members have been active in their communities preserving history, promoting education, and encouraging patriotism.
America 250
We stand on the eve of a grand commemoration. In July 2026, the United States will mark its 250th anniversary – and DAR is preparing to celebrate in a big way!
This occasion provides DAR members, as descendants of the generation that secured American independence, the remarkable opportunity to celebrate the longevity of the democratic experiment for which our ancestors fought, not even knowing if the new nation would survive. The upcoming anniversary also offers a chance to help our fellow Americans explore their family histories and discover the roles their ancestors played in founding the nation and shepherding its progress through the generations.
Come join us!
America 250 | Daughters of the American Revolution (dar.org)
Local Activities
Historic Preservation
Interviews Oregon veterans as part of the DAR Veterans History Project
Purchased and dedicated a historic marker commemorating Bend's Reid School's 100th anniversary
Honors local volunteers in support of historic preservation
Sponsors two annual COCC Nursing Scholarships
Sponsors annual American History Essay Contest, 5th-8th grades
Sponsors annual Patriots of the American Revolution Essay Contest, High School
Literacy Projects - National award winner in 2015 and 2016
Donates over 7,000 new and used children's books to children in need since 2014
Honors local volunteers in support of the arts and education
Sponsors a children's "Little Free Library" at Bend's Environmental Center Learning Garden
Donated headsets to a local elementary class in 2020 to aid in at-home learning during the pandemic
Participates in local Memorial Day Services
Participates in local Veterans Day Parades
Participates in local 4th of July community activities
Arranges for local Constitution Week Proclamations and displays
Coordinates the annual Wreaths Across America ceremonies
Recognizes outstanding Central Oregon Junior ROTC cadets yearly
Honors local volunteers in support of service to veterans
Sends cards and care packages to deployed troops
Co-sponsored a local National Rosie the Riveter Day ceremony in 2018
Annually sends 500+ holiday cards to veterans in care facilities across Oregon
Honored over 200 Vietnam veterans with Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration certificates and pins